Productions scientifiques

Productions scientifiques


DELORME E., PAYSANT, B., TROSSAT, P., GAÜZÈRE, POCHET, S., BEUVIER E., ACHILLEOS, C. 2021 A strategy to assess the sieving time of curd grains sampled during cheese manufacture to separate curd from whey International Journal of Dairy Technology 74,606-609. DOI: 10.1111/1471-0307.12790

GUICHARD E., THOMAS-DANGUIN T., BUCHIN S., PERRET B., GUILLEMIN H., PÉNICAUD C., SALLES C. 2021 Relationships between cheese composition, rheological and sensory properties highlighted using the BaGaTel database International Dairy Journal 118,105039. DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2021.105039

GUICHARD E., THOMAS-DANGUIN T., BUCHIN S., PERRET B., GUILLEMIN H., PÉNICAUD C., SALLES C. 2021 Compilation of data on model cheeses composition, rheological and sensory properties, from six research projects exported from the BaGaTel database Data in brief 36,106971. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.106971

M. EL JABRI, TROSSAT P., WOLF V., BEUVIER E., ROLET-RÉPÉCAUD O., GAVOYE S., GAÜZÈRE Y., BELYSHEVA O., GAUDILLIÈRE N., NOTZ E., GROSPERRIN P., LAITHIER C., DELACROIX-BUCHET A. 2020 Mid-infrared spectrometry prediction of the cheese-making properties of bulk milks used for the production of PDO/PGI cheeses in Franche-Comté Journal of Dairy Science 103,5992-6002. DOI: 10.3168/jds.2019-17491

LAITHIER C., WOLF V., BROCHARD M.,SANCHEZ M.P., GAUDILLIÈRE N., MINÉRY S., FRITZ S., GAVOYE S., GAÜZÈRE Y., ROLET-RÉPÉCAUD O., NOTZ, E., BOUTON, Y., GROSPERRIN P., DELACROIX-BUCHET A. 2020 FROM’MIR : Développer des outils de prédiction et de conseil pour maîtriser la fromageabilité des laits destinés à la fabrication des fromages traditionnels franc-comtois Innovations agronomiques 79,227-244. DOI : 10.15454/q8rx-az02

BOUTON Y., BERGES R., CABARET S., BEUVIER E., BRETILLON L., BERDEAUX O. 2019 Effect of a diet supplemented with fat from pressed-cooked cheese, butter or palm oil on blood lipids, faecal fat excretion and body composition of rats International Dairy Journal 95,44-49. DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2019.02.018

CHARTON C., LARROQUE H., POCHET S., GERMON P., LEQUEUX G., GUINARD-FLAMENT J. 2019 Response profiles of dairy cows to a single 24 h milking interval in relation with milk proteolysis, udder expansion and immune traits Animal 13,1224-1233. DOI: 10.1017/S1751731118002483

DE PASQUALE I., DI CAGNO R., BUCHIN S., DE ANGELIS M., GOBBETTI M. 2019 Use of autochthonous mesophilic lactic acid bacteria as starter cultures for making Pecorino Crotonese cheese: effect on compositional, microbiological and biochemical attributes Food Research international 116,1344-1456. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2018.10.024

EL JABRI M., SANCHEZ M.-P., TROSSAT P., LAITHIER C., WOLF V., GROSPERRIN P., BEUVIER E., ROLET-RÉPÉCAUD O., GAVOYE S., GAÜZÈRE Y., BELYSHEVA O., NOTZ E., BOICHARD D., DELACROIX-BUCHET A. 2019 Comparison of Bayesian and PLS regression methods for mid-infrared prediction of cheese-making properties in Montbéliarde cows Journal of Dairy Science 102,6943-6958. DOI: 10.3168/jds.2019-16320

FRETIN M., MARTIN B.; BUCHIN S., DESSERRE B., LAVIGNE R., TIXIER E., CIRIE C., BORD C., MONTEL M.-C., DELBES C., FERLAY A 2019 Milk fat composition modifies the texture and appearance of Cantal-type cheeses but not their flavor Journal of Dairy Science 102,1131-1143. DOI: 10.3168/jds.2018-15534

MUNIER E., LICANDRO-SÉRAUT H., ACHILLEOS C., CACHON R., BEUVIER E. 2019 Whole genome sequencing and annotation of Clostridium tyrobutyricum strain Cirm BIA 2237, isolated from silage Microbiology Resource Announcements 8,e00492-19. DOI: 10.1128/MRA.00492-19

PENICAUD C., IBANESCU L., ALLARD T., FONSECA F., DERVAUX S., PERRET B., GUILLEMIN H., BUCHIN S., SALLES C., DIBIE J., GUICHARD E. 2019 Relating transformation process, eco-design, composition and sensory quality of cheeses using PO² ontology International Dairy Journal 92,(1-10). DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2019.01.003

SANCHEZ M.P., WOLF V., LAITHIER C., EL JABRI M., BEUVIER E., ROLET-RÉPÉCAUD O., GAUDILLIÈRE N., MINÉRY S., YULIAXIS R.C., TRIBOUT T., MICHENET A., BOUSSAHA M., TAUSSAT S., FRITZ S., DELACROIX-BUCHET A., GROSPERRIN P., BROCHARD M., BOICHARD D. 2019 Analyse génétique de la fromageabilité du lait de vache prédite par spectrométrie moyen infrarouge en race Montbéliarde Productions Animales 32,379-398. DOI: 10.20870/productions-animales.2019.32.3.2950

RAYNAUD S., LEFRILEUX Y., MORGE S., PETRIER M., ALLUT G., GUILLEMIN H., ET AL. 2018 Qualité des fromages fermiers lactiques : locaux et maitrise de l’affinage (LACTAFF) Innovations agronomiques 63,(1-21). DOI: 10.15454/1.5191121702422998E12

SANCHEZ M.P., WOLF V., EL JABRI M., BEUVIER E., ROLET-RÉPÉCAUD O., GAÜZÈRE Y., MINÉRY S., BROCHARD M., MICHENET A., TAUSSAT S., BARBAT-LETERRIER A, DELACROIX-BUCHET A., LAITHIER C., FRITZ S., BOICHARD D. 2018 Confirmation of candidate causative variants on milk composition and cheese-making properties in Montbéliarde cows Journal of Dairy Science 101,10076-10081. DOI: 10.3168/jds.2018-14986

SANCHEZ M.P., EL JABRI M., MINÉRY S., WOLF V., BEUVIER E., LAITHIER C., DELACROIX-BUCHET A., 2018 Genetic parameters for cheese-making properties and milk composition predicted from mid-infrared spectra in a large dataset of Montbéliarde cows Journal of Dairy Science 101,10048-10061. DOI: 10.3168/jds.2018-14878"

POCHET S., ARNOULD C., PERRINE DEBOURNOUX P., FLAMENT J., ROLET-RÉPÉCAUD O., BEUVIER E. 2018 A simple Micro-Batch ion-exchange Resin Extraction coupled with reverse-phase HPLC (MBRE-HPLC) to quantify lactoferrin in raw bovine milk Food Chemistry 259,36-45. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.03.058

VANBERGUE E., HURTAUD C., PEYRAULT J.-L., BEUVIER E., DUBOZ G., BUCHIN S. 2018 Effects of n-3 fatty acid sources on butter and hard cooked cheese technological properties and sensory quality International Dairy Journal 82,35-44. DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2018.03.002

ACHILLEOS C., BERTHIER F. 2017 Evaluation of qPCR and plate counting for quantifying thermophilic starters in cheese Food Microbiology 65,149-159. DOI: 10.1016/

BUCHIN S., DUBOZ G., SALMON J.-C. 2017 Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis as a starter culture significantly affects the dynamics of volatile compound profiles of hard cooked cheeses European Food research and technology 243,1943-1955. DOI: 10.1007/s00217-017-2899-x

ROLET-RÉPÉCAUD O., ARNOULD C., GAVOYE S., BEUVIER E., ACHILLEOS C. 2017 An immunoassay to assess lamb and kid rennets authenticity Food Control 82,251-255. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2017.07.005

ROLET-RÉPÉCAUD O., ARNOULD C., DUPONT  D., GAVOYE S., BEUVIER E., ACHILLEOS C. 2017 Quantification of pepsin in rennet using a monoclonal antibody-based inhibition ELISA LWT-Food Science and Technology 76,190-196. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2016.10.059

DE PASQUALE I., DI CAGNO R., BUCHIN S., DE ANGELIS M., GOBBETTI M. 2016 Spatial Distribution of the Metabolically Active Microbiota within Italian PDO Ewes' Milk Cheeses Plos One 11,e0153213. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153213

FEUTRY F., TORRE P., ARANA I., GARCIA S., PEREZ-ELORTONDO F.J., BERTHIER F. 2016 Suitability of a new mixed-strain starter for manufacturing uncooked raw ewe's milk cheeses Food Microbiology 56,52-68. DOI: 10.1016/

DRICI H., BERTHIER F., AIGLE M., DARRIGO C., DELACROIX-BUCHET A. 2016 Bacterial composition of raw camel milk after commercial-like storage as revealed by TTGE and DDGE ARPN – Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11,309-314. DOI:

Rolet-Répécaud O., Arnould C., Dupont D., Gavoye S., Beuvier E., Achilleos C. 2015. Development and evaluation of a monoclonal antibody-based inhibition ELISA for the quantification of chymosin in solution. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63, 4799-4804.

De Pasquale, I., R. Di Cagno, S. Buchin, M. De Angelis, and M. Gobbetti. 2014. Microbial ecology dynamics reveal a succession in the core microbiota involved in the ripening of pasta filata caciocavallo pugliese cheese. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80(19):6243-6255.

Di Cagno, R., I. de Pasquale, M. De Angelis, S. Buchin, C. G. Rizzello, and M. Gobbetti. 2014. Use of microparticulated whey protein concentrate, exopolysaccharide-producing Streptococcus thermophilus, and adjunct cultures for making low-fat Italian Caciotta-type cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 97(1):72-84.

Di Cagno, R., E. Pontonio, S. Buchin, M. De Angelis, A. Lattanzi, F. Valerio, M. Gobbetti, and M. Calasso. 2014. Diversity of the lactic acid bacterium and yeast microbiota in the switch from firmto liquid-sourdough fermentation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80(10):3161-3172.

Filannino, P., G. Cardinali, C. G. Rizzello, S. Buchin, M. De Angelis, M. Gobbetti, and R. Di Cagno. 2014. Metabolic Responses of Lactobacillus plantarum Strains during Fermentation and Storage of Vegetable and Fruit Juices. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80(7):2206-2215

Montel, M. C., S. Buchin, A. Mallet, C. Delbes-Paus, D. A. Vuitton, N. Desmasures, and F. Berthier. 2014. Traditional cheeses: Rich and diverse microbiota with associated benefits. International Journal of Food Microbiology 177:136-154.

Abraham S., Cachon R., Jeanson S., Ebel B., Michelon D., Aubert C., Rojas C., Feron G., Beuvier E., Gervais P., De Coninck J. 2013. A procedure for reproducible measurement of redox potential (Eh) in dairy processes. Dairy Science and Technology 93: 675-690.

Achilleos, C. and F. Berthier. 2013. Quantitative PCR for the specific quantification of Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus paracasei and its interest for Lactococcus lactis in cheese samples. Food Microbiology 36(2):286-295.

Boisard, L., I. Andriot, C. Arnould, C. Achilleos, C. Salles, and E. Guichard. 2013. Structure and composition of model cheeses influence sodium NMR mobility, kinetics of sodium release and sodium partition coefficients. Food Chemistry 136(2):1070-1077.

Delbes-Paus, C., S. Miszczycha, S. Ganet, S. Helinck, P. Veisseire, S. Pochet, D. Thevenot, and M. C. Montel. 2013. Behavior of Escherichia coli O26:H11 in the presence of Hafnia alvei in a model cheese ecosystem. International Journal of Food Microbiology 160(3):212-218.

Gobet, M., S. Buchin, C. Rondeau-Mouro, B. Mietton, E. Guichard, C. Moreau, and J. L. Le Quere. 2013. Solid-State P-31 NMR, a Relevant Method to Evaluate the Distribution of Phosphates in Semihard Cheeses. Food Analytical Methods 6(6):1544-1550.

Guinard-Flament, J., S. Pochet, and H. Larroque. 2013. Identification of phenotypic predictors of milk yield losses in response to once-daily milking: preliminary results. Journal of Animal Science 91(E-Suppl.1):356-357.

Rolet-Répécaud, O., F. Berthier, E. Beuvier, S. Gavoye, E. Notz, S. Roustel, V. Gagnaire, and C. Achilleos. 2013. Characterization of the non-coagulating enzyme fraction of different milk-clotting preparations. LWT Food Science and Technology 50(2):459 - 468.

Bendimerad, N., M. Kihal, and F. Berthier. 2012. Isolation, identification, and technological characterization of wild leuconostocs and lactococci for traditional Raib type milk fermentation. Dairy Science and Technology 92(3):249-264.

Delbes-Paus, C., S. Pochet, S. Helinck, P., Veisseire, C. Bord, A., Lebecque, M. Coton, N. Desmasures, E. Coton, F. Irlinger, and M. C. Montel. 2012. Impact of Gram-negative bacteria in interaction with a complex microbial consortium on biogenic amine content and sensory characteristics of an uncooked pressed cheese. Food Microbiology 30(1):74-82.

Feutry, F., M. Oneca, F. Berthier, and P. Torre. 2012. Biodiversity and growth dynamics of lactic acid bacteria in artisanal PDO Ossau-Iraty cheeses made from raw ewe's milk with different starters. Food Microbiology 29(1):33-42.

Lawrence, G., S. Buchin, C. Achilleos, F. Berodier, C. Septier, P. Courcoux, and C. Salles. 2012. In Vivo Sodium Release and Saltiness Perception in Solid Lipoprotein Matrices. 1. Effect of Composition and Texture. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60(21):5287-5298.

Lawrence, G., C. Septier, C. Achilleos, P. Courcoux, and C. Salles. 2012. In Vivo Sodium Release and Saltiness Perception in Solid Lipoprotein Matrices. 2. Impact of Oral Parameters. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60(21):5299-5306.

Napoléone, M., E. Genevet, B. Martin, S. Buchin, C. Agabriel, P. Marty, et S. Hulin. 2012. L'ancrage du produit au terroir par la diversité des pratiques agropastorales et des territoires : analyse exploratoire dans les systèmes caprins de l'AOP Pélardon. Fourrages (212):297-306.

Callon, C., M. Saubusse, R. Didienne, S. Buchin, and M. C. Montel. 2011. Simplification of a complex microbial antilisterial consortium to evaluate the contribution of its flora in uncooked pressed cheese. International Journal of Food Microbiology 145(2-3):379-389.

Di Cagno, R., 1 De Pasquale, I., De Angelis, M., Buchin, S., Calasso M., Fox P.F. and M. Gobbetti. 2011. Manufacture of Italian Caciotta-type cheeses with adjuncts and attenuated adjuncts of selected non-starter lactobacilli. International Dairy Journal 21, 254-260.

Dupont, D., Johansson, A., Marchin, S., Rolet-Repecaud, O., Marchesseau, S., and Leonil, J. 2011. Topography of the Casein Micelle Surface by Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Using a Selection of Specific Monoclonal Antibodies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59(15):8375-8384.

Coton E., Mulder N., Coton M., Pochet S., Trip H., Lolkema J.S. 2010. Origin of the Putrescineproducing Ability in Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus epidermidis 2015. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76, 5570-5576.

Di Cagno R., De Pasquale I., De Angelis M., Calasso M.P., Buchin S., Gobbetti M. 2010. Contribution of selected adjunct or attenuated non-starter lactobacilli to ripening of Italian caciotta cheese. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology 65, 189-191.

Dupont D., Mandalari G., Mollé D., Jardin J., Rolet-Répécaud O., Duboz G., Léonil J., Mackie A., Mills E.N.C. 2010. Food processing increases casein resistance to simulated infant ingestion. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 54, 1677-1689

Lefier D., Arnould C., Duployer M.H., Martin B., Dupont D., Beuvier E. 2010. Effects of two diverse diets on concentration of lactoferrin in bovine milk. Milchwissenschaft 65, 356-359.

Even, S. Leroy S., Charlier C., Ben Zakour N., Chacorna J.P., Lebert I., Jamet E., Desmont M.H., Coton E., Pochet S., Donnio P.Y., Gautier M., Talon R., Le Loir Y. 2010. Low occurrence of safety hazards in coagulase negative staphylococci isolated from fermented foodstuffs. International Journal of Food Microbiology 139, 87-95.

Gobet M., Rondeau-Mouro C., Buchin S., Le Quéré J.L., Guichard E., Foucat L., Moreau C. 2010. Distribution and mobility of phosphates and sodium ions in cheese by solid-state 31P and doublequantum filtered 23Na NMR spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 48, 297–303.

Date de modification : 23 mai 2024 | Date de création : 01 mars 2023 | Rédaction : La plateforme